Sale: | Book Collection |
Total : 1002
Showing 1 - 10 of 1002 sale
Book Collections |
$7.00 |
Bronte Sisters Book Collection
Jane Austen Book Collection
Five books in each series, from
Fredericton E3B5K8 | New Brunswick

Book Collection |
Over 1000 books such as; The Last Mountain Man by William W. Johnston, Don Pendletons The
Halifax B3R1R3 | Nova Scotia

large book collection |
$500.00 |
100's of books all in very good to excellent condition, many, many authors & genres & mostly
Winnipeg R2G4A7 | Manitoba
Nursing Books Collection |
Medi Quick Drug Cards Edition 17 $10 -Jarvis, Physical Examination & Health Assessment $20
First Canadian Edition - Jarvis, Physical Examination &...
Fredericton E3B0W3 | New Brunswick
Antique Book Collections |
Antique collection of the Works of Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield)
16 Volumes in very
Ottawa K1M2C8 | Ontario
$300.00 |
All of these books (besides a few) are priced at roughly half of what I originally paid for them
Saskatoon S7L6K4 | Saskatchewan
Antique Book Collections |
Antique collection of the Works of Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield)
16 Volumes in very
Montréal H8R2T4 | Quebec
comic book collection |
$100.00 |
all 90 comics for $100 located in rundle ne
Calgary T1Y2W7 | Alberta
Antique Book Collections |
Antique collection of the Works of Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield)
16 Volumes in very
Montréal H8R2T4 | Quebec

Stamp Collection |
3 books of stamps 1863-1943
Canadian Provincial Stamps
Jubilee Series