Sale: | For Sale Buffet |
Total : 20
Showing 1 - 10 of 20 sale
$245.00 |
2 PCE BUFFET - HUTCH UNIT 1950s /1960s HT. 60" WIDTH 51" For sale @ $245 Can be seen @ Antiques
Peterborough K0L2G0 | Ontario
Two antique buffets |
$200.00 |
Two lovely antique buffets for sale, $200 each. Both have been refinished.
Fredericton E4C2C1 | New Brunswick
$325.00 |
BUFFET / CHINA CABINET [ 2 pce ] 1940s /50s Original finish HT. 72" WIDTH 50" For sale @ $325 Can
Peterborough K0L2G0 | Ontario

Storage Locker Sale |
... All for sale TODAY!!! Annapolis Valley Self Storage... Across from West Kings...
Annapolis Valley B4V2T7 | Nova Scotia
China Cabinet - Hutch & Buffet |
$300.00 |
China cabinet for sale.
Measurements: 50" wide 77" High 16" Deep
Hutch has interior light and two
Winnipeg R2X1B2 | Manitoba
Estate for sale |
$375.00 |
Estate for sale:
Butcher block and chair, 24x24, 32 h, $115.00
Buffet/Hutch bottom 36x 18.75x28.5
Calgary T2V1K8 | Alberta
Antique rocker with leather seat |
$200.00 |
small tables, piano stools and rocker for sale.
Fredericton E4C2C1 | New Brunswick
11' Buffet Table, #467-14 |
11 Buffet Table for sale, inventory #467-14
Brand Name - Delfield, Model V14160-32
Volts 208/240
Dartmouth B2N6V3 | Nova Scotia
Moving sale - Sunday, August 21st, 1:00 - 4:00 Waverley |
41 Stoneyridge Lane
Couches and loveseat sets - $150.00 for each set
Dining room table, 6
Dartmouth B2R1H5 | Nova Scotia
Restaurant For Sale @ Lakeshore & Islington |
$59,000.00 |
Toronto Restaurant For Sale @ Lakeshore & Islington Location-Location-Location Fully Equipped, Open