Sale: | Items Sale |
Total : 2130
Showing 1 - 10 of 2130 sale
Miscellaneous Items |
humidifier $70 (brand new $200)
- kids shoes $7.00 each
- lay and play matt $10
- bumbo chair and tray $30
- bassinet $30
- lululemon bag $20
Edmonton T5R1A4 | Alberta
Yard Sale Items |
sale items.
A must see! Serious enquiries only.
Bedford B4G1A9 | Nova Scotia
Items for sale |
Items for sale. Reasonable offers will be answered.
Halifax B3L2L8 | Nova Scotia
Items For Sale |
$10.00 |
Picture 1 ... Assortment of dolls for sale ( 58 in total ) a lot of them are Barbie dolls, 1 male
Dartmouth B2Y0B8 | Nova Scotia

Items for sale |
I have a 3/4 mattress and bed frame, a child's maple desk and chair. for sale ( cheap)
Miramichi E1N2Z1 | New Brunswick
Multi Item Sale |
Solid wood antique buffet $850.00
Solid Wood Chair with foot stool leather and studs $ 400.00
Antique entrance piece with leather seat and mirror...
Mississauga L7E5Y6 | Ontario
DECOR items Seasonal + |
Wide variety of items interior/exterior dcor all priced on following ads
Items can be seen on the
Edmonton T9E8B4 | Alberta
Carport of FREE ITEMS |
We're moving and have a bad case of downsizing happening. We want our things to go to people who need/want them so that we don't have to pack them...
North Shore V7R2J7 | British Columbia

Quality Items Yard Sale |
Clean, Brand name quality items! Tools, Golf Balls, Camera & Tri-pod, Brand name clothing, Dishes
Fredericton E3B7L4 | New Brunswick
Online garage sale items |
1 - Copper Asian pictures $8
2 - Chenille wall hanging $30
3 - Winter boots (women's size 9) $5
4 - Oval pewter picture frame (5x7s) $8
5 -...