Sale: | Oil Painting North |
Total : 16
Showing 1 - 10 of 16 sale
$150.00 |
North Shore V7L1C1 | British Columbia

driveway sealing .line painting and crack filling |
local company. best rates in town. oil based spray on. free estimates and same day service.
North Bay P0H1K0 | Ontario
Hand carved & signed wooden ducks by W. Whittaker |
$75.00 |
Only $75 for 2 beautiful hand carved, painted and signed decorative wooden ducks by Bill Whittaker
Victoria V9A1S4 | British Columbia
Misc Framed pictures, English China Tea Cups & Beveled Mirror |
Misc Framed Prints include Blue Boy And Pinkie, 2 florals, Temple Mountain in oils, by Alda Kenney
Calgary T2H1E4 | Alberta
Inuit Painting by Dorothy Francis "Little Fisherman" Lithograph |
$45.00 |
Columbia's Vancouver Island. A childhood passion for drawing and painting developed into a full time career
Stratford N0K1X0 | Ontario
Inuit Painting by Dorothy Francis "Winning Side" Lithograph |
$45.00 |
Columbia's Vancouver Island. A childhood passion for drawing and painting developed into a full time career
Stratford N0K1X0 | Ontario
Inuit Painting, Dorothy Francis "Little Puglik's Playmate" Litho |
$45.00 |
Columbia's Vancouver Island. A childhood passion for drawing and painting developed into a full time career
Stratford N0K1X0 | Ontario
Inuit Painting by Dorothy Francis "Paneeloo's Baby Brother" Lith |
$45.00 |
Columbia's Vancouver Island. A childhood passion for drawing and painting developed into a full time career
Stratford N0K1X0 | Ontario
Rogers Relish Set w box |
$25.00 |
Rogers Relish set in box. Only $25.00
Must be seen in person. WE BUY PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES
Fredericton E3A1B9 | New Brunswick
set of 3 tin Kitchen Cannisters w Red Yellow Roses design |
$30.00 |
Great looking set of 3 tin Kitchen Cannisters with red and yellow roses design . Only $30.00 . Must be seen in person as we do not ship. See our...