Sale: | Science 30 Textbook |
Total : 7
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 sale
computer science, psychology & physics textbooks |
/152 book: $70. This was my lifeline in computer science. Very useful. Doesn't look worn at all, still
Charlottetown C1A5K3 | Prince Edward Island
$30 -Cultural Anthropology; Nancy Bonvillian; $25 - Stars Grants Tutoring Volumes 1-3; $75 - Math
Winnipeg R3Y1T7 | Manitoba
University of Textbooks |
Psychological Science $80 MATH1210: Textbook and Practice exams and solutions (binder included) $30 ENG1450: $60
Winnipeg R3T5V6 | Manitoba
Assorted first year textbooks |
Managerial, Social and Life Sci
$30 ($125+tax at the bookstore)
Physics 121 and 122-Physics for The Life
Charlottetown C1A3V7 | Prince Edward Island
Selling Many textbooks used at MUN/CONA/MI |
$40.00 |
. Women's LIfe in Greece and Rome ( $30) Classics @ MUN 3. Goddesses, Whores. and Slaves ($25) Classics @Mun
St Johns A1B3X9 | Newfoundland
Manuels Sciences infirmières / Soins infirmiers |
Je vends mes manuels de Sciences infirmires. Ce sont les manuels utiliss lors de la premire anne du
Longueuil | Quebec
Livres usagés de cégep et d'université |
volume 1, 7e dition
Chenelire McGraw-Hill
30$ Introduction la